- This event has passed.
April 7, 2018
Date: April 7th, 2018
Location: Eagle Ranch Resort, Collins, Mo. (+ EXCA Points)
Contact: 913-530-8483
Lee Chapman
For more info: http://ultimatehca.com
UHCA welcomes riders of all levels, providing eight challenge divisions allowing riders to compete against others riding at a similar level. UHCA Events, fun for the entire family, are a great way to have fun while improving your horsemanship and communication.
UHCA Events challenge both horse and rider to maneuver through a series of obstacles, while demonstrating skill, finesse, horsemanship and speed. A score is given for each obstacle on the course and riders are judged on overall horsemanship. UHCA races are timed events, however time accounts for less than 10% of available points.
All breeds of horses and mules are welcome.
UHCA Events are co-sanctioned with the Extreme Cowboy Association and EXCA members can earn world qualifying points.