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UHCA Spring Trail Ride and Obstacle Practice
April 21, 2018
UHCA Spring Trail Ride and Obstacle Practice
Date: April 21, 2018
Location: Saddle Ridge Equestrian Area, Hillsdale Lake, Hillsdale, KS
Join UHCA for a trail ride and obstacle practice at Hillsdale Lake on April 21. Get in a little practice with your horse or mule or just come and enjoy the trails with the UHCA family. Come for the day or stay for the weekend. Hillsdale Lake offers electric sites with pens at the Saddle Ridge Campground–reserve online. Bring a dish to share for a potluck supper (meat and table service provided by UHCA).
If you have a portable obstacle or two, throw it in the trailer too! The more obstacles we have, the more fun it will be! There are no fees from UHCA to attend this event, but a day pass at the lake is $5.00/vehicle. This event is open to the public, so bring a friend and introduce them to UHCA. Please register online so we know you’re coming!
If it rains or trails are muddy we will postpone. Watch our website and Facebook for updates.
10:00 AM Open Obstacle Practice
1:00 PM Group Trail Ride
4:00 PM Return to Camp/Shelter
Open Obstacle Practice
5:30 PM Pot Luck Supper
6:30 PM Activities TBD
Please observe all park regulations!
Trail Map
Campsite Reservations
General Park Info